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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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Jerounds Primary School

Primary Academy

Transition to KS2

When children enter Year 3 in September, they will already have had opportunities to meet all school staff and children within their new environment. Through assemblies they have already visited the KS2 building and therefore we are anticipating a very smooth, happy transition.

There are some differences between the key stages. Our parent governors who experienced this transition have provided us with the following information:

  • Snack during break – Key Stage 2 children are not supplied with a snack by the school, but they are welcome to bring their own healthy snack. Please ensure that this healthy snack is either fruit or vegetables. Please note chocolate, crisps and sweets are not suitable as a break time snack.
  • Book bags – Children need to have the school logo'd rucksack in years 3 to 6 as they will be expected to carry great luggage to and from school.  Rucksacks may be purchased here, Top Form.
  • School uniform –  Uniform.  There is a no jewellery policy and long hair must be tied back.  Please support us in ensuring that the children look smart.
  • PE kit – This consists of the house t-shirt, black shorts, white socks and trainers. A black tracksuit is required for outdoor P.E during the colder months. 

We hope that this information answers any questions that you may have about your child’s transition. If you have any further questions please speak to your class teacher.